Tag : Angular

7 posts

Interpolation is used for one-way data binding in Angular. It embeds an expression into the HTML template. By default, expression should be surrounded by {{ and }}. This expression is also known as template expression. Angular evaluates an expression surrounded by {{ and }} and then converts a result to a string and assigns it …
Events are handled in Angular using the following special syntax. Bind the target event name within parentheses on the left of an equal sign, and event handler method or statement on the right.Example: Binding Button Click Event Copy Above, (click) binds the button click event and onShow() statement calls the onShow() method of a component.Example: Handle Button Click Event in Component Copy Alternatively, …
In the previous chapter, you have created an HTML template for the component. Here, you will learn HTML template in detail. HTML template is nothing but a regular HTML code with additional Angular specific syntax to communicate with the component class. HTML Template = HTML + Angular Bindings and Directives. Angular API interprets an HTML …
Here, you will learn about the Angular component and how to create a custom component using Angular CLI. Angular is a SPA framework, and a view is made of one or more component. An Angular component represents a portion of a view. Generally, an interactive web page is made of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Angular …
Here you will learn to create an Angular 2 (valid in the Angular 11 too) application using Angular CLI. Angular CLI helps us to set up a workspace and an initial application quickly, which includes necessary NPM libraries and other dependencies for the application. To create an initial application, navigate to the folder where you …
Here you will learn how to install the latest version of Angular 2. Before installing Angular, you need to install some prerequisites. Angular uses NPM (Node Package Manager) to install libraries, packages and also to execute scripts. So, you need to install NPM before installing Angular. Angular requires a current, active LTS or maintenance LTS …
Angular is a development platform, built on TypeScript. As a platform, Angular includes: A component-based framework for building scalable web applications A collection of well-integrated libraries that cover a wide variety of features, including routing, forms management, client-server communication, and more A suite of developer tools to help you develop, build, test, and update your code …

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