Category : MY SQL

6 posts

Here’s a quick and comprehensive look into how to improve mysql query performance in simple ways MySQL is the most sought-after open source Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that uses Structured Query Language (SQL). A poorly-crafted or disorganized SQL query acts as a potent killer of the overall performance of your application. Therefore, it is …
SQL Injection (SQLi) is a type of an injection attack that makes it possible to execute malicious SQL statements. These statements control a database server behind a web application. Attackers can use SQL Injection vulnerabilities to bypass application security measures. They can go around authentication and authorization of a web page or web application and retrieve the …
What is An SQL Injection Vulnerability? Within this blog post we are trying to shed a light on the technical aspects of SQL injections and what you can do to effectively avoid them. Non-Technical Explanation of the SQL Injection Vulnerability Imagine a fully-automated bus that functions based on instructions given by humans through a standard …
REPLACE() function MySQL REPLACE() replaces all the occurrences of a substring within a string. Syntax: REPLACE(str, find_string, replace_with) Arguments Name Description str A string. find_string A string which is present one or more times within the string str. replace_with A string which will replace every time it finds find_string within str. REPLACE(str,old_string,new_string);
If you don’t have MySQL server installed or you are using older version of MySQL server, then we recommend you all to install or update your version by following our below article. 1. How to set MySQL Root password? If you have fresh installation of MySQL server, then it doesn’t required any password to connect it as root user. To set MySQLpassword …
MyISAM and InnoDB are the most commonly used storage engine in MySQL whereas both storage engine types have advantages and disadvantages depending on the specific application. However, MyISAM is the default storage engine chosen by MySQL database, when creating a new table. The major differences between MyISAM and InnoDB storage engines are : 1. Referential …

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