Category : Uncategorized

18 posts

In PHP 8, the money_format function has been removed. The recommended alternative is to use the number_format function in combination with the setlocale function to format currency values. Here’s an example: Note that you should set the locale to the appropriate value based on your requirements. The above example uses ‘en_US’ for US English formatting. …
Interview questions aim to check if applicants possess the skills to fulfill their responsibilities as PHP developers. Hence, you need to prepare questions that will allow the applicants to highlight their technical and behavioral skills. Here are some of the most asked PHP interview questions and sample answers: 1. Explain static and dynamic websites. What are their …
I have installed nodeJS on Ubuntu with following code Since I am a new user for ubuntu I also ran this code too Now when I type If you don’t like curl ... | sudo bash - then you can follow the manual instructions, which tells you how to add the Node.js repository to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ yourself. NOTE: If you are …
One of my favorite features in Postman is the ability to write automated tests for my APIs. So if you are like me and you use Postman and you are tired of manually testing your APIs, this article will show how to harness the test automation feature provided by Postman. In case you don’t know …
Restoring a backup from a ZIP file – like the ones generated by our downloadable backup feature – can sometimes be a lengthy process. If you unzip a ZIP file locally on your computer before uploading the backup with SFTP, you’ll likely run into a bottleneck because SFTP can only transfer a limited number of files …
What is AI? AI (Artificial Intelligence) is the ability of a machine to perform cognitive functions as humans do, such as perceiving, learning, reasoning and solving problems. The benchmark for AI is the human level concerning in teams of reasoning, speech, and vision. Introduction to AI Levels Narrow AI: A artificial intelligence is said to …
he National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) expects the new President of the United States (US) Joe Biden’s commitment to review and make necessary changes to harmful regulatory policies put in place by the Trump administration and would bring some relief to the IT industry. The industry body, in its statement, said the …
Google Authenticator is a two-step verification software used to keep your Google account and its related apps and programs more secure. You can download Google Authenticator as a smartphone app and use it when logging into Google apps and programs You should have two-factor authentication (2FA) turned on wherever you can, but there’s a more …
Not so long ago, only a few people were considered computer programmers, and we viewed them with awe. In the digital age, we now live in; however, many IT jobs require a solid grasp of a programming language, and sometimes more than one. If you’re trying to advance in your career or change careers completely, …
अंग्रेजी भाषा आज के जमाने की एक जरूरत बन गई है। एक ऐसी जरूरत जिसके बिना जीवन जीने की कल्पना करना थोड़ा मुश्किल है। रोजमर्रा की बातचीत हो या स्कूल के होमवर्क में बच्चे की मदद करना या फिर ऑफिस में काम करना, इसके बिना आज के समय में सब कुछ अधूरा सा प्रतीत होता …

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